Category Archives: New ideas

I’ve found a role where I can show off my organisation skills

workstation-405768_1280Yesterday marked the start of my second week as a Virtual Assistant. The first seven days flew by, but what an exciting seven days they were!!

It began with figuring out a business name, yes I know it’s not the most important aspect of setting up a business, but for me I needed to give it its own identity from the start. I floated around a name sounding ‘virtual’ and ‘timely’, it took a lot of umming and ahing until settling upon Hourglass Virtual Assistant.

Next task – What can I offer?? I drafted a list of skills after reading a number of VA blogs and forums. I soon remembered that I was capable of doing much more. I mean, how could I forget the skills used and challenges faced when organising big birthday parties for friends or hen do’s, I’ve done eight of these kinds of events over the past five years!

Setting up a domain and website was pretty straightforward. I used , I found them and their services easy, helpful and hassle free. The website builder gave me the opportunity to design the website quickly but thoughtfully. Initially I wasn’t too sure about including a blog but then thought why not?! This is the first time I have been self-employed, what better way to document my experience.

One thing I didn’t foresee is the amount of paperwork involved, the client documents, my own documents and then there was setting up of a variety of online accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Skype etcetera.  I gave HourglassVA the full online presence it requires.

I enjoy working from home, it gives me the freedom and flexibility to work wherever I wish. Being London based, the (average) one-hour commute can become tiresome, although a valuable time to catch up on a book I feel more at ease doing this in my local park in the East Village.

Over the week I’ve spoken to friends and family about this venture and I have bored Mr HVA with inane details of fonts numerous times but I have found all the feedback received to be invaluable. Ending the week with a weekend away in York, the trip gave me a chance to reflect on my achievements over the seven days, an opportunity to think of ways to make myself attractive to potential clients and to relax!

After a week of non-stop excitement, late nights and early mornings, the venture so far seems to be worth it. With two clients in sight, a website that I’m happy with, a new office chair (thanks Mr HVA!) and a plethora of ideas to start the new week, week two is going to be great!!