September – Is this your new year too?

Brrr, can someone put the kettle on a make me a hot drink please?!! Where has the summer gone? As soon as September arrived it seemed as though the sun did a runner, leaving us with the autumn chill.

Well, summer now over, the academic year has begun and what I see as the new year. I’ve always seen September as the time of year to start something new. I began a 12-month round the world trip in September 2005, relocated to London in September 2008 and moved house in 2014 maybe this is down to my academic background or maybe it’s because it’s my birth month, yay (I like to think it’s the latter).  From recent conversations, it seems that I am not alone in thinking this way. This month, for most, also marks the start of a new beginning, a chance to get organised, set things up before the year is out and to reminisce about the summer. It’s also the perfect time to hire a VA!

I have a question to ask – How many advertising emails did you actually take note of, let alone read over the summer before pressing delete? If, like many, you had an inbox full of junk or spent a considerable amount of time of your holiday selecting masses of emails to delete, then it’s definitely time for a declutter and an inbox detox.

We all meet new people and experience new things over the summer and this is where we can come up with a lot of new ideas for blogs or articles. But now you’re back at work when will you find the time to research? Do not let your great ideas go to waste, you know  that feeling when you had a perfect idea only to come across something similar a couple of weeks later because you didn’t do anything? Working with a VA can ensure that doesn’t happen, I can help you stay ahead of the game by doing your research for you.

There’s a lot to be said for scheduling and how the busyness of September creeps upon us. One of my good friends who is an IT trainer annually complains of how after the quiet summer period, the time to reorganise and get back on the road to different sites seems to be sparse. In next to no time she’s yet again chasing her tail with a full diary, hundreds of unread emails and no time to relax over lunch as that is time utilised to sort things out. This is common for many, not just trainers on the go. It’s about time you had a proper lunch break right?

There are only 15 weeks left of 2015. In January what did you want to achieve this year and how much were you unable to do because you were bogged down with admin? Delegation is key! No one enjoys having a long to-do list which is mainly filled with unenjoyable tasks. Having a VA means you can have a calmer autumn, more time to prepare for the winter holidays, giving you a much better work-life balance.

How many hot drinks will you be making to avoid your to-do list?

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